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Make your stay in Tokyo unforgettable

Find the BEST fit for you!

What is
Borderless House?


Borderless House is a multicultural sharehouse community where people from over 50 different countries come together to share life.
By maintaining a 50:50 ratio of local and foreign residents, we create an environment where you can easily meet and make friends with Japanese.

Foreigners 50%

What makes Borderless House
the Best accommodation?

  • Make Japanese friends at once!

    You will always have Japanese housemates who are interested and excited to make international friends. No Japanese language experience is required!
    From the first day you arrive in Japan, you'll be able to make Japanese friends from the comfort of your own home.

  • Explore Japanese culture authentically!

    From exploring hidden local restaurants, attending firework festivals, to cooking traditional Japanese foods… there are many authentic experiences that you can only experience when living along with Japanese friends.
    You will undoubtedly make unforgettable memories and gain a deeper love for Japan.

  • Staff will be your “advisers for Japanese Life”!

    What if I get sick? How can I buy a cell phone? How do I open a bank account? Don’t worry!
    We will support you in all aspects of life from the day you arrive until you leave.


We want to think beyond in-house exchanges.. Current residents Former residents Let's connect the entire community! New Program Start!


  • For Language School Students

    • POINT1
      Expand your social circle outside of class.
    • POINT2
      Housemates can help with homework and give you more opportunities to learn and use new Japanese.
    • POINT3
      Improve your Japanese naturally through every day conversations at home.
  • For Interns

    • POINT1
      Come home to friends after work and wind down together over drinks and food.
    • POINT2
      Get advice and help from other Japanese working professionals.
    • POINT3
      Improve your Japanese naturally through every day conversations at home.
  • Long Term Stay (e.g. Working Holiday)

    • POINT1
      Explore authentic local culture through insider knowledge on local restaurants, festivals, and events from your housemates.
    • POINT2
      Experience our homestay program and visit new places in Japan, such as the countryside, comfortably and stress-free.
    • POINT3
      Get advice and help from other residents regarding job searching or your next steps in life.
For Language School Students

For Language School Students

  • POINT1
    Expand your social circle outside of class.
  • POINT2
    Housemates can help with homework and give you more opportunities to learn and use new Japanese.
  • POINT3
    Improve your Japanese naturally through every day conversations at home.
For Interns

For Interns

  • POINT1
    Come home to friends after work and wind down together over drinks and food.
  • POINT2
    Get advice and help from other Japanese working professionals.
  • POINT3
    Improve your Japanese naturally through every day conversations at home.
For Long Term Stay (e.g. Working Holiday)

Long Term Stay (e.g. Working Holiday)

  • POINT1
    Explore authentic local culture through insider knowledge on local restaurants, festivals, and events from your housemates.
  • POINT2
    Experience our homestay program and visit new places in Japan, such as the countryside, comfortably and stress-free.
  • POINT3
    Get advice and help from other residents regarding job searching or your next steps in life.

Convenient Access to Major Universities

Keio University
- Mita Campus
- Shinanomachi Campus
Waseda University
Meiji University
Aoyama Gakuin University
Rikkyo University
The University of Tokyo
- Hongo Campus
- Komaba Campus
Hosei University
Sophia University
- Yotsuya Campus
- Mejiro Seibo Campus
Temple University
GLOBIS University

simple Procedure


    All you need to pay for the initial fee is only 50,000 yen, and 10,000 yen / 15,000 yen of deposit will be refunded on your move-out day, depends on the length of your stay. (To get more information, please send us an inquiry or see FAQ for details)


    Since our houses are already fully equipped and furnished at the time of your move-in, you will not need to purchase furniture etc. You can relax and start your life in Tokyo from the day you arrive in Japan!


    All you need to pay for the initial fee is only 50,000 yen, and 10,000 yen / 15,000 yen of deposit will be refunded on your move-out day, depends on the length of your stay. (To get more information, please send us an inquiry or see FAQ for details)


    Since our houses are already fully equipped and furnished at the time of your move-in, you will not need to purchase furniture etc. You can relax and start your life in Tokyo from the day you arrive in Japan!


  • Language School Students
    female 20's

    I have being here for 1 year and I can say that it was a wonderful experience.It was full of fun, we shared opinions, we went out having fun all together. We also went BBQ and Izakaya all together.I definitely recommend the Borderless House living because it is really fun and enjoyable!

  • Interns
    female 20's

    I stayed in Togoshi3 for 8 months and had a great time with the housemates. They became my friends for a lifetime and always helped me when I needed them. Together with my roommate, we went for Borderless House Homestay in Kyoto and had a great time there! I am so glad that I could meet the tenants from Togoshi2 as well:) We are friends with them and often go out to an Izakaya. Thank you for everything Borderless House! I will never forget my time in Japan!

  • Interns
    male 20's

    Living in Borderless House for past a month was such a unforgettable experience. started as an intern, started living in Asagaya house. Got a perm position at a company in Otemach, lived in Korakuen1 house for three months. I met many of my life-long friends through Borderless House and I was able to build up my career through living in two houses was support of my friends. thank you. I will be back someday!

  • Working Holiday
    female 20's

    Thank you for everyghing for these two years! I had lots of fun to stay at Shimokitazawa1 Share House! I enjoyed communicating by Japanese, English and even body language. I spent awesome time with housemtates every day, like going to see Cherry blossoms in spring and going on picnic to Yoyogi Park on weekend! These 2 years were precious memories for me!

  • Language School Students
    female 20's

    I have being here for 1 year and I can say that it was a wonderful experience.It was full of fun, we shared opinions, we went out having fun all together. We also went BBQ and Izakaya all together.I definitely recommend the Borderless House living because it is really fun and enjoyable!

  • Interns
    female 20's

    I stayed in Togoshi3 for 8 months and had a great time with the housemates. They became my friends for a lifetime and always helped me when I needed them. Together with my roommate, we went for Borderless House Homestay in Kyoto and had a great time there! I am so glad that I could meet the tenants from Togoshi2 as well:) We are friends with them and often go out to an Izakaya. Thank you for everything Borderless House! I will never forget my time in Japan!

  • Interns
    male 20's

    Living in Borderless House for past a month was such a unforgettable experience. started as an intern, started living in Asagaya house. Got a perm position at a company in Otemach, lived in Korakuen1 house for three months. I met many of my life-long friends through Borderless House and I was able to build up my career through living in two houses was support of my friends. thank you. I will be back someday!

  • Working Holiday
    female 20's

    Thank you for everyghing for these two years! I had lots of fun to stay at Shimokitazawa1 Share House! I enjoyed communicating by Japanese, English and even body language. I spent awesome time with housemtates every day, like going to see Cherry blossoms in spring and going on picnic to Yoyogi Park on weekend! These 2 years were precious memories for me!


Feel free to contact us now! We will help you to find perfect house!

※겨울방학 기간(12월30일~1월2일 4일간)
겨울방학 기간(12월30일~1월2일 4일간)에는 이메일 등의 문의 및 견학 안내가 불가능합니다.죄송합니다만, 위 기간에 문의하신 건에 대해서는1월3일부터 순차적으로 대응해드리도록 하겠습니다. 넓은 양해 부탁드립니다.

보더리스 하우스에 관심을 가져주셔서 감사합니다.

반드시 아래의 주의사항을 읽어주시고, 양해 후 문의해주십시오.

입주희망일의 1개월 반~1개월 전을 목표로 문의해 주시는 것을 추천합니다.

(현 입주자로부터 퇴실일의 1개월전까지 퇴실 신청을 받기 때문에, 2개월 이상 앞의 입주를 검토하고 계시는 경우는, 바로 방의 제안드리기 어려운 경우가 있습니다.)
※현재 만실인 하우스를 검토 중인 경우는, 각 하우스 페이지내의 공실 알림 등록 폼의 등록을 추천합니다.

*는 필수 항목입니다.

현재, 핫메일, 라이브메일, 아웃룩 등의 무료 메일에 메일이 제대로 전송되지 않는 트러블이 다수 발생하고 있습니다.
되도록 위의 메일 주소 이외의 주소를 입력해주시거나, 링크 의 해결방법을 시도해주시길 바랍니다. 저희로부터 2,3일 이상 답장이 없는 경우, 번거로우시겠지만 직접 전화나 스카이프로 연락주시길 바랍니다.

Skype 계정이 없는 분은 이 쪽부터 작성해주십시요.


입주 가능 연령은 만 18세~35세까지 입니다.


현재 거주형태*

Have you ever lived in a BORDERLESS HOUSE?*

※현재 거주 중인 분은 '하우스 이동' 으로 처리됩니다. Q&A안의계약기간, 퇴실, 하우스 이동 항목을 반드시 확인하시고 신청 부탁드립니다.


입주희망일의 1개월 반~1개월 전을 목표로 문의해 주시는 것을 추천합니다.

검토 가능한 집 임대료(상한)*

희망 방 타입*
