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Living with Taiwanese people, I've really improved my language abilities!

  • 20's
  • Half year stay
  • Shared room
  • First time Taiwan
  • Intermediate Taiwanese

First, please introduce yourself!!

Hi everybody! I'm a norwegian who's really into learning Chinese at the moment! Before I came here I worked as an engineer in the Norwegian oil industry, but in the end I decided on following my Chinese dream and ended up here in Taiwan. Other than intensive language studies, I also enjoy surfing, and travelling around. I hope someday I'll be able to speak near-fluent Chinese, and also maybe find a job here.

I wanted to find an apartment with Taiwanese room-mates

Why did you choose Borderless Share House?

From the get-go I wanted to find an apartment with Taiwanese room-mates, so when I found Borderless House at 591 I knew I had found the perfect place. I've been here for almost half a year now, and I still find it as enjoyable as in the start.

Life here in the apartment changes a lot, so it's always interesting

Before moving in Borderless House, what is your imagination or expectation of staying in Borderless House? After staying in Borderless House for a while, is the real life here in accord with your imagination or expectation?

It is mostly as I expected, seeing as many people come and go, life here in the apartment changes a lot, so it's always interesting. Coming here I was hoping for a more relaxed, international atmosphere, and that's just what I found!

We went for a trip to Hualian with my housemates!

What was the best part and the most impressive thing that happened during your stay in Borderless House?

The most memorable part of my stay here was our trip to Hualian. The trip was originally only mean to last a day, but after a series of rock slides, and us driving back and forth, we had no choice but to book a hotel for the night. So even though there was some frustration and weariness, in the end the trip turned in to a great memory for everyone!

With this many house-mates, there are of course bound to be some friction

On the other hand, is there anything which is difficult or tough for you to live in Borderless share house?

Fortunately for me there hasn't been any major difficulties here in the apartment. But with this many house-mates there are of course bound to be some friction, but this is just part of living in these kind of environments.

Living with Taiwanese people, I've really improved my language abilities!

Are you satisfied with your life in Borderless House so far? Do you learn anything from here?

I'm very satisfied! If I could choose again, I would definitely go for the same option! Living with this many Taiwanese people, I would say I've really improved my language abilities a lot! You also learn how to get along with people, and adapting to an international environment.

Life here is really awesome and rewarding if you only put in a little effort!

Finally, what would you like to tell those who are thinking about moving in Borderless House?

Bring an open mind and be ready to get to know a lot of new people! Life here is really awesome and rewarding if you only put in a little effort! If you are interested in developing your language abilities, Borderless House is the perfect place to do it!

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