퇴실자 후기
female 20's
male 30's
Borderless House is a great way to temporarily settle in Taipei without too much worry or complication. The process for viewing the property, signing the contract, and moving in was extremely clear and simple. They're big on community engagement as well with events and harmony within the living space. The staff and housemates are all open, friendly, and community-oriented, making it a housing gem in Taiwan. Borderless House 是一個在台北暫時安頓下來的好方式,沒有太多的擔憂或複雜程序。看房、簽約和搬入的過程都非常清晰簡單。他們也非常注重社群互動,會舉辦活動並維持居住空間的和諧。工作人員和室友們都非常開放、友善且以社群為導向,使這裡成為台灣的住房寶地。
male 20's
室友們感情都不錯,中秋節也有一起在家烤肉。溝通跟包容很重要。當你希望別人理解你的時候,你也應該去考慮別人。 The relationship with my roommates is great. We even had a barbecue together at home during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Communication and tolerance are very important. When you want others to understand you, you should also consider others.
female 20's
I didn‘t expect to enjoy living here as much as I did! You really get to know people from all around the world, learn a lot about other places, living habits, languages (if you want to), and ultimately, yourself ^ ^ I really enjoyed living with people from different countries and backgrounds, I never would have thought that I could share a bedroom with two other people before but even that part I genuinely enjoyed :) especially the housemates that I have lived with for the whole of my stay feel like family now. 我沒想到我會這麼喜歡住在這裡!你真的能認識來自世界各地的人,了解很多關於其他地方、生活習慣、語言(如果你願意學的話),最終還能更了解自己^^ 我真的很享受和來自不同國家和背景的人一起生活,我從來沒想過自己會和另外兩個人一起住同一間房,但即便是這部分,我也真心覺得很享受 :) 特別是我在整個住宿期間一直和他們一起住的室友,現在已經像家人一樣了。
male 30's
交流的頻率還不錯,有和室友一起去打籃球、有請他食東西,然後我也得到食物互換,還有辦聖誕晚餐,每人準備一道菜,很開心。遇到許多不同國家、不同背景的朋友,大家分享交流,有不少趣事,多元文化的經驗很美好。我很喜歡國際交流,因為若只接觸一個文化的社群,在同溫層內,容易有盲點,不利於全面的世界觀、人生觀、價值觀的建立。而國際交流,不但有助上述的破除遍執,也有助於語言能力的進步、增加交際的勇氣與技考,與不同背景的朋友相處,學習建立共識與包容性等。國際化交流的特點在臺灣Share House市場上不算多,所以覺得BORDERLESS HOUSE很棒。 The frequency of communication was quite good. I played basketball with my roommate, treated him to food, and also exchanged food. We even held a Christmas dinner where everyone prepared a dish, and it was a lot of fun. I met many friends from different countries and backgrounds, and we shared and communicated a lot, with many interesting stories. The experience of multicultural exchange was wonderful. I really enjoy international exchange because if you only engage with a community from one culture, you can easily fall into an echo chamber with blind spots, which is not conducive to developing a well-rounded worldview, life perspective, and values. International exchange not only helps break these biases, but also improves language skills, builds confidence in socializing, and teaches us to establish consensus and inclusiveness while interacting with people from different backgrounds. The feature of international exchange is not very common in the Taiwan Share House market, so I think BORDERLESS HOUSE is really great.
male 20's
如果熱愛跟外國人文化和語言交流的話很適合來 Borderless House~ If you love exchanging cultures and languages with foreigners, Borderless House is the perfect place for you!
male 20's
国単位で色々な人が居ると感じれたこと。家の中で一期一会を楽しめたこと。 能夠感受到來自不同國家的各種人存在,並且在家裡享受這種難得的邂逅。
female 20's
Don't be shy and invite your new roommate to go out with you! 不要害羞,邀請你的新室友一起出去玩吧!
male 20's
It was good and fun to live with others. 和其他人一起生活真的很棒也很有趣!
female 20's
I would recommend talking to your roommates early on to begin to start the friendship, and so that you can openly discuss roommate preferences during your stay! 我會建議你一開始就與室友多交流,這樣可以早早開始建立友誼,也能在住宿期間開放地討論室友的偏好!
female 20's
言語を話す機会をたくさん得られました。 入住進來可以有很多機會練習語言。
female 20's
Borderless House is a great place to stay if your looking to make friends while staying in Taiwan! 如果你想在台灣結交朋友,Borderless House是一個很棒的住宿選擇!
female 20's
初めて台湾に来た時に話したのがボーダーレスのスタッフで、不安でしたが安心したのを覚えています。 一緒に人と暮らすことは初めてだったのでとても貴重な経験でした。 我記得第一次來台灣時和Borderless House的工作人員交談,當時雖然很不安,但也感到安心。因為這是我第一次和人一起生活,所以這是一次非常寶貴的經歷。
male 10's
When I first moved in, my roommates held a welcoming party for me and other new roommates taking me to my first night market and welcoming me with their arms opened. It was a wonderful experience. All of the people I met through Borderless House are amazing and their “family” culture with the events they hold for different holidays is really nice. 當我剛搬進來時,我的室友們為我和其他新室友舉辦了迎新派對,帶我去逛了第一個夜市,並張開雙臂歡迎我。這是一次非常美好的經歷。我在Borderless House遇到的所有人都很棒,他們舉辦的各種節慶活動,營造的“家庭”文化真的很棒。
female 20's
My housemates have been such a constant support during my time in Taiwan! During my second week here, they threw me a lovely dinner party for my 21st birthday. Together, we have traveled to Taipei Zoo and Tamsui in Taipei. And of course, I appreciate all the guidance & understanding they have shown me, whether it be the simple conversations we have about our days, to the career advice they offer about interning in a Taiwanese company with Taiwanese coworkers. The joy of living in a share-house comes from the smallest moments. Don't sit in your room alone. Go out and sit on the living room couch. And you don't always have to be happy and positive. Actually, please don't be. Joke often, be a bother, intercept & pester zombie-eyed housemates as they walk through the door after work. Be distraught & restless on a typhoon holiday, but organize a Spotify listening party & enjoy working at the dinner table with fellow WFH housemates. Be tired after a long day of running errands, but waste your time leaving silly "I was here" notes & useless "Write your name if you find this" roll calls around the house for everybody or nobody to find. Be sad and experience difficulty & hardships, but lean on your housemates for support, and be their comfort as well. Share in equal amounts happiness and sadness. It's a SHARE-house after all. 我的室友們在我在台灣的時光中一直是非常堅定的支持!在我來到這裡的第二週,他們為我舉辦了一個可愛的晚宴派對,慶祝我的21歲生日。我們一起去了台北動物園和台北的淡水。而當然,我也很感激他們給予我的所有指導和理解,無論是我們每天聊些簡單的事情,還是他們提供的有關在台灣公司和台灣同事中實習的職業建議。住在共享公寓的樂趣來自於那些最小的時刻。不要一直待在自己的房間裡。去客廳的沙發上坐一坐吧。多多開玩笑,給別人添麻煩,攔住那些在工作後滿臉疲憊的室友們,當他們走進門的時候。颱風假日的時候感到心情低落和焦慮不安,但還是可以組織一場Spotify聽歌派對,和在家工作的室友一起享受在餐桌上工作的時光。雖然忙碌了一整天,跑了很多腿,但還是可以浪費時間在家裡留下一些愚蠢的「我來過」便條和無意義的「如果你發現這個,請寫下你的名字」點名,讓大家(也或許沒有人)不經意地發現。可以感到難過,經歷困難與艱難,但依靠你的室友來尋求支持,並且也能成為他們的安慰。分享等量的快樂和悲傷。畢竟,這是共享公寓啊。
male 20's
とても手軽に海外暮らしを体験できるので,長期滞在はもちろん短期で遊びにいくのも楽しいだろうなと思います。 因為這裡可以非常輕鬆地體驗海外生活,所以我認為不僅長期居住,短期去玩也一定會很有趣。
female 20's
What I loved about Borderless House is that there is a big community of people who organize some events/ parties and it’s a good way to meet new people ! 我喜歡Borderless House的地方是這裡是一個大型的社群,會舉辦一些活動和派對,這是一個結識新朋友的好方法!
female 20's
“會認識朋友, 對外國人友善” 這兩個項目是對剛來台北的外國人而言, 最安心的條件. 又適合建立新生活的基盤. 為擴大自己的世界多開放一點吧:) "Making friends and being friendly to foreigners" are the most reassuring conditions for foreigners who have just arrived in Taipei. They also provide a solid foundation for starting a new life. Let's be a little more open to expanding your world :)
female 10's
female 30's
We see each other every day, hang out in communal spaces, and spend time together at least once a week. Even if you plan on moving out after a short while, don’t rush! I understand that sharing a room might seem uncomfortable at first, but the atmosphere is really great! Every staff member went the extra mile to make sure we had the best experience. 我們每天見面,在公共區域相聚,並且每週至少一次一起度過時間。即使你計劃在短時間內搬走,也不要急!我理解一開始共用房間可能會讓人覺得不太舒服,但這裡的氛圍真的很棒!每位員工都非常努力,確保我們獲得最佳的體驗。
male 20's
Borderless share house has been a fantastic experience, one that I will keep with me for a long time. The people have always been so friendly- sometimes all you need is to see another human smile at you to cheer you up. Living here has been very convenient, amazing food places that are very close by, stores and things to do all within walking distance. Everyone seems to be living in harmony, working together to create an environment which is very seamlessly integrated into and out of, which is nice as well. Overall, it was a great stay and I will highly recommend Borderless House to anyone who asks. Borderless House共享住宅是一段美好的經歷,我將會長久珍藏。這裡的人們總是那麼友善,有時候,只需要看到另一個人對你微笑,就能讓你心情愉快。在這裡生活非常便利,附近有很多美味的餐廳,商店和各種活動場所都在步行距離之內。大家似乎和諧相處,共同努力創造一個環境,讓生活在其中的人能夠輕鬆地融入並流暢地進出,這一點也很棒。總的來說,這是一段美好的居住經歷,我會強烈推薦Borderless House給任何問起的人。
male 10's
最初の半年間、海外生活が不安なときとても頼りになりました。0から友達もできます。 在最初的半年,當我對海外生活感到不安時,他們真的給了我很大的支持。我也從零開始交到了朋友。
male 30's
It was a pleasure to live in a sharehouse. We had a great time going out together or sharing a meal. Be open to each other different culture. I think it is a great way to meet people from Taiwan and around the world to share our life experience. 住在合租屋真的很愉快。我們一起出去玩或共享餐點,度過了美好的時光。彼此開放,接納不同的文化。我覺得這是一個很棒的方式,可以認識來自台灣以及世界各地的人,並且分享我們的生活經驗。
male 20's
日常的に他人とコミュニケーションを取れる環境に身を置くことで留学の孤独感が和らぎました。 透過處於能夠與他人日常交流的環境中,我的留學孤獨感得到了紓解。
female 20's
I really appreciated my roommates, it was very nice to share the space with them and for us to care and be mindful of each other. I've rarely had such kind room mates before. They will always be welcome wherever I live in the world. 我真的很感謝我的室友,能和他們一起共享空間,並且彼此關心和體貼,這讓我非常愉快。之前很少遇到這麼親切的室友們。不管我將來在哪個地方生活,他們永遠都是受歡迎的。
female 20's
1番の魅力は一人暮らしをするよりも何倍も安心で楽なところです。最初はシェアハウスに対して偏見があったのですが、実際過ごしてみると海外でしかも親族が居ない状況の中シャアハウスのルームメイトたちと会話をするのがすごく良かったです。 最大的魅力是比起獨居,這裡讓人感到幾倍的安心和輕鬆。剛開始對合租屋有一些偏見,但實際生活一段時間後,發現身處海外、又沒有親人的情況下,和合租屋的室友們聊天真的很棒。
female 20's
一緒にご飯を食べたり旅行に行ったりたくさんの思い出が作れました。台北での生活を素敵なルームメイトのみんなと過ごせて楽しかったです!ありがとう(>ᴗ<) 我和大家一起吃飯、去旅行,創造了很多美好的回憶。能和這麼棒的室友們一起度過在台北的生活,真的很開心!謝謝你們(>ᴗ<)
male 10's
My time at Borderless has been a great one. Before moving in I was, as many people are, worried about living with other people and the troubles it can cause. However, it turned out to be completely the opposite. Instead, I feel like Borderless House embraces the shared accommodation concept, regularly arranging social events. Furthermore, meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds has been very interesting and enjoyable. Although the so called “language barrier” could be a problem sometimes we always found a way to understand each other. Borderless House has been the perfect balance of privacy and openness. You can choose to be social or alone depending on how you feel. In conclusion, I did not find the shard accommodation troublesome at all. Rather, I really enjoyed it, feeling a strong connection with the other tenants. 我在BORDERLESS的時光非常愉快。在搬進來之前,我和很多人一樣,對與他人同住以及可能會帶來的麻煩感到擔心。然而,結果完全相反。相反地,我覺得BORDERLESS House非常重視共享住宿的概念,並定期舉辦社交活動。此外,遇到來自不同文化和背景的人非常有趣且愉快。雖然所謂的“語言障礙”有時可能會成為問題,但我們總是能找到理解彼此的方法。BORDERLESS House完美地平衡了隱私和開放性。根據自己的感覺,你可以選擇社交或獨處。總之,我完全沒有覺得共享住宿有什麼麻煩,反而非常享受這段時光,並與其他租客建立了深厚的聯繫。
female 20's
The Shuanglian 1 House is smack dab in the center of a lot of food places for you to explore. It is also a short walk away from the famous Ningxia Nightmarket and a very close walk to the Zhongshang Station for shopping. If eating out is not your speed, there is also a supermarket not super far away as well as the Shuanglian Daily Market close by to purchase groceries. The housemates are very helpful with any questions you may have regarding to living in Taiwan and general places to to. 雙連1的房子位於許多美食場所的中心,讓您可以盡情探索。它距離著名的寧夏夜市只有短短的步行距離,並且離忠孝新生捷運站也很近,方便您購物。如果您不喜歡外出用餐,附近也有超市,並且有雙連日常市場可以購買日常所需的食材。與室友們相處非常愉快,他們也很樂意解答您關於在台灣生活或旅遊的各種問題。
male 30's
一開始室友們的興趣愛好和作息時間很不一樣,不過隨著室友的變動,神奇地室友們也友好了。我們會一起小旅行、假日一起吃飯,生病時互相照顧,回憶滿滿的。 At first, my roommates had very different interests, hobbies, and schedules, but as the roommates changed, we gradually became closer. We went on little trips together, had meals on holidays, took care of each other when we were sick, and created many cherished memories.
female 20's
ここに来たばかりの時は、異文化の人たちが集まりともに生活することに対して不安を感じていました。特に私は大人数で何かをすることに対して苦手意識を強く持っていたからです。 しかし、ここは生活の場所であるからかみんな気を張っておらず、私も自然な姿でいられると感じました。そのため滞在を始めて数日で、もう何年もずっと一緒にいたような感覚になりました。あまり人見知りの自分がこのように思えるのはとても大きな変化でした。 剛來這裡的時候,我對於來自不同文化的人們聚集在一起共同生活感到不安。特別是我對於和大多人一起做事感到很不擅長,這種意識一直很強烈。 不過,這裡畢竟是生活的場所,大家似乎都不會太過於拘謹,我也感覺自己能夠以自然的姿態存在。因此,剛開始滯留幾天後,我就有了一種像是已經和大家一起生活了好幾年的感覺。對我這個通常會有社交恐懼的人來說,這樣的感覺是一次很大的變化。
female 20's
I had a wonderful time staying in Borderless House. The apartment was located in a central location with everything I need in walking distance and access to subway and buses. There is plenty of space in the apartment, even though we are 7 people. The roommates are warm and welcoming. We checked in on each other and ate meals together. We also had some late nights playing Mahjong and doing origami! 我在Borderless House的住宿經歷非常愉快。公寓位於市中心,周圍有各種生活所需設施,步行即可到達,還方便搭乘地鐵和公車。即使我們有7個人,公寓內依然空間充足。室友們非常熱情友好,大家彼此關心,也會一起吃飯。我們還有一些深夜時光,一起打麻將和摺紙,度過了非常開心的時光!
male 20's
During my stay at Borderless House, the most impressive aspect was the vibrant community. Living with people from diverse backgrounds enriched my understanding of different cultures and perspectives. This experience has significantly broadened my worldview and taught me the value of collaboration and open-mindedness. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to connect with others and grow personally! 在我居住於Borderless House的期間,最讓我印象深刻的就是那個充滿活力的社群。與來自不同背景的人共同生活,讓我更深刻地理解了各種文化和觀點。這段經歷極大地拓寬了我的世界觀,也讓我學會了合作與開放心態的重要性。我強烈推薦給任何想要與他人建立連結並成長的朋友!
male 20's
The Borderless House website can really be trusted, it describes really well what kind of daily life you can expect here. The most important thing is to be patient and respectful toward the other tenants, sometimes communication can be tough because of language barrier. Be yourself, try to stay discreet but always up to sharing experiences with other. It's a very interesting and instructive experience.
male 30's
在Borderless 住了3年,這段期間認識了來自世界各個非常多的朋友,一起吃飯一起去玩,非常的開心! 因為個人因素要離開Borderless house,感覺非常不捨,未來如果還有機會,會在來住Borderless house。 建議未來的房客,可以多和室友們互動,Borderless house,室內空間比較簡約,沒有華麗的裝潢,主要是提供和各國室友們交流的平台,適合喜歡認識不同文化的人居住!
male 20's
I think the most important lesson I learned is that how to emphatize with others and not being selfish. Tried to put myself in other people's shoes (將心比心) and also I learned many different cultures people coming from to broaden my horizon. Living with others means being responsible in making sure that the environment is made confortable for all the tenants. I even improved my Chinese and did language exchange with the Japanese and Korean tenants. If you are considering to move into Borderless House, I suggest you to be prepared as you embark into a new journey of living together with people that might not have the same habit and culture as you are but I think this is the beauty of this world, to not being confined and limited to your own comfort zone only.
male 20's
皆でunoしたり海に行って泳いだり、ご飯を一緒に食べたり、何気ないことが楽しかったです! 大家一起玩UNO、去海邊游泳、一起吃飯,這些平常的事情都讓我感到很開心!
female 20's
It's a good place to stay in Taipei. 這是一個在台北住宿的好地方。
male 20's
Makes me want to come back in the future. 讓我想未來再回來。
female 20's
It was fun learning about different people’s cultural backgrounds. 了解不同人的文化背景很有趣。
female 20's
I feel happy when I spend time here. Everyone is very kind and nice to me. The transportation is also very convenient. 當我在這裡度過時間時,我感到很幸福。每個人都對我非常友善和好。交通也非常便利。
female 20's
Taipei is a really good city, and Daan is a great area to enjoy the life, it is really convenient. I really enjoyed my stay in Taiwan and I have met really nice people. 台北是一個非常好的城市,大安區是個很棒的地區,生活起來非常便利。我非常享受在台灣的住宿體驗,並且遇到了非常友善的人們。
female 20's
最厲害的是我台灣室友能夠從我房間裡趕走壁虎並來救我,台灣人對我的安全很方便~ The most impressive thing is that my Taiwanese roommate was able to remove a gecko from my room and come to my rescue. Taiwanese people are very attentive to my safety.
female 20's
It is good to learn the culture of various countries because many people of various nationalities live together. 因為很多不同國籍的人一起生活,很好了解各國文化。
male 20's
我們可以最容易了解不同的文化,生活習慣 We can most easily understand different cultures and lifestyles.
female 30's
台湾人だけでなく色んな国の方との交流があるため、視野がとても広がります。 因為不僅與台灣人,還有來自不同國家的人士交流,所以視野會大大拓展。
male 30's
家族の様な仲間ができた事。 結交了像家人般的夥伴。
male 20's
我發現跟很多人一起住其實沒有那麼麻煩。 I found that living with many people is actually not that troublesome.
female 20's
真的很喜歡這個地方!! 大家像家人一樣相處,有問題也會互相幫忙,是很溫暖的地方!! 跟室友溝通都是中英日夾雜,語言會進步的很快!!真的很捨不得離開這個地方,之後有機會會回來住的!! I really love this place!! Everyone gets along like family, and we help each other out when there are issues. It's a very warm and welcoming place!! Communication with housemates is a mix of Chinese, English, and Japanese, so the language skills improve quickly!! I’m truly reluctant to leave this place and will definitely come back if I have the chance!!
female 20's
It’s very important to observe how the housemates live and then adapt accordingly. I was very glad to discuss with them so I think being always opened to discussion is a good thing. 觀察室友的生活方式並相應地調整自己是非常重要的。我很高興能與他們討論,因此我認為保持開放的討論態度是一件好事。
male 20's
I highly recommend staying at Borderless House, especially if you are learning Mandarin because having housemates from Taiwan gives for lots of learning opportunities. 我非常推薦入住 Borderless House,特別是如果你正在學習中文,因為與來自台灣的室友一起生活會帶來很多學習的機會。
female 20's
ボーダレスハウスで過ごす日々はとても楽しかったです!夜にみんなでリビングでお話しするのがとても大切な思い出になりました。中国語で喋る良い環境で、海外の文化を知ることができました。 在 Borderless House 的日子非常愉快!晚上大家在客廳聊天的時光成為了非常珍貴的回憶。在這裡,我能在良好的中文環境中交流,並且了解了不同的國外文化。
female 30's
語学を伸ばすのであれば、ボーダレスがお勧めします。 台湾で一人暮らしをしている人と比べてスピーキングの差が圧倒的にあり 現地台湾人と話すのが大事だなと改めて思いました。 如果想提升語言能力,我推薦 Borderless House。 相較於在台灣單獨生活的人,語言口說能力的差距確實很大。 我再次深刻地體會到與當地台灣人交流的重要性。
male 20's
設施乾淨,可以和很多人見面,位置也很好,希望更多的人利用。 The facilities are clean, you can meet many people, and the location is excellent. I hope more people take advantage of it.
male 20's
ハウスの中で様々な国籍の方とコミュニケーションを取れたことが良い経験となりました! 在這個房子裡與來自不同國籍的人進行交流是一個很好的經驗!
female 20's
I am a student from the US studying Chinese. I chose to stay at Borderless House because I wanted to make friends from around the world and practice speaking with native speakers. If you are considering Borderless House, I highly recommend it! I made a lot of friends, both Taiwanese locals and international, and we had a lot of fun exploring Taiwan together, going out to eat, and on adventures. If it hadn't been for my roommates and housemates at Borderless House, then I would not have had very many friends in Taiwan during my time studying abroad. 我是來自美國的學生,正在學習中文。我選擇入住 Borderless House,是因為我想結交來自世界各地的朋友,並與母語人士練習口語。如果您正在考慮入住 Borderless House,我非常推薦!我結識了許多朋友,包括台灣本地人和國際友人,我們一起在台灣探險、外出用餐和冒險玩樂。如果不是因為在 Borderless House 的室友和鄰居,我在台灣留學期間可能不會有那麼多朋友。
male 20's
在這裡的時光很開心,室友就像家人一樣,一起吃飯一起出去玩,同時也可以認識不同國家不同文化。Housemates are kind and friendly just like in the family.
female 20's
Take the time to get to learn more about your housemates and their respective cultures! It was really great to be in an environment with people from different countries, most of whom were pursuing similar goals in Taiwan.
female 20's
Don’t be afraid to talk to people, that said be aware that sometimes people are not in a mood to talk. It’s okay. You don’t need to force yourself into situations, people will warm up to you! I learned to always wash the dishes right away after using them especially if I’m about to go back to my room. Also I love our high ceilings!
male 10's
Don’t be afraid to speak to your roommates whenever, everyone was kind and fun to be around. 不要害怕隨時跟室友交流,每個人都很友善且有趣。
female 20's
Living with 10 people seems hard, but you can also learn from each other and be good friends. 和10個人住在一起似乎很難,但你們也可以互相學習,成為好朋友。
female 20's
I really liked that my housemates were friends :) 我很喜歡我的室友們都是朋友 :)
female 20's
我在Borderless House-Zhongshan2住得很開心。我住7個月都沒有什麼問題。中山區即漂亮又方便。附近有各種各樣的飯館,商店與咖啡館,而且地鐵站離這個房子非常近。家具壞掉的時候職員幫我們處理。我碰到別的問題的時候直接的給他們發短信,然後很快就受到一個回答。 I had a great time staying at Borderless House-Zhongshan2. I lived there for 7 months without any issues. The Zhongshan area is both beautiful and convenient. There are various restaurants, shops, and cafes nearby, and the metro station is very close to the house. When any furniture broke, the staff took care of it. Whenever I encountered other issues, I just sent them a text, and I quickly received a response.
male 20's
I had an amazing time staying with Borderless House! It was a great way to make friends since I didn’t know anyone here and I got a lot of Chinese practice too. 大安1 was awesome and all of my flatmates were 太客氣了. Definitely will live with Borderless House again if I return to Taipei or want to stay in one of their other locations 👍🏻 我在 Borderless House 的住宿體驗非常棒!這是一個結交朋友的好方法,因為我在這裡認識了很多新朋友,也得到了很多中文練習。大安1 很棒,所有的室友都太客氣了。如果我再次回到台北或想住在他們其他地點的話,肯定會再次選擇 Borderless House 👍🏻
female 20's
I enjoyed my time here, it is the perfect place for someone who is looking for connections and new relationships. It is indeed a welcoming environment! 我在這裡度過了愉快的時光,這是尋找聯繫和建立新關係的理想場所。確實是一個熱情友好的環境!
female 20's
We had one nice house dinner with almost all tenants, we cooked different things. We also shared snacks often and left it for each other on the dinner table which was sweet, and you get to try snacks you've never had before. > Some advice is: it is better to live in Borderless House if you also speak Mandarin and not solely English.
female 10's
Everyday having someone to laugh with and talk about your day is the best thing. 每天都有可以一起笑和談論你一天的人是最好的事。
female 20's
可以認識到很多朋友,是值得擁有的人生經驗。 Making many friends is a valuable life experience.
female 30's
Be open to socializing with people through a language barrier! You will be surprised at how much you can learn from others. 要對於跨語言交流保持開放的態度!你會驚訝於自己能從他人那裡學到多少。
male 10's
Borderless house is one of the strongest communities I have ever known. I have experienced many people around the world and sharing our thoughts. That’s very hard to find in somewhere else. Borderless House Borderless House 是我所知道的最強大的社群之一。我遇到了來自世界各地的許多人,並且分享了我們的想法。這在其他地方很難找到。
male 20's
Borderless House has been a great way to meet a very ecclectic group of people. It's certainly empassioned me to improve my mandarin skills. Borderless House 成為了結識非常多元化的人群的好方式。這確實激勵了我提升我的中文能力。
female 30's
様々な国籍の人と住むのはとてもいい経験になります。 與來自不同國籍的人一起生活是非常好的經驗。
female 20's
It’s so fun to learn from others and I am hoping we will continue to be friends long after I leave! 從其他人身上學習真的很有趣,我希望即使在我離開後,我們仍然能繼續保持朋友!
male 20's
If you stay here there's plenty of potential to make friends with your housemates so make the most of it if you can. 如果你住在這裡,有很多機會可以與室友交朋友,所以如果可以的話,好好把握這些機會。
male 20's
ハウスのみんなとハウスだけでなくお店や旅行に行ったことが一番の思い出です。ハウス外でも仲良くできる友達を作れたことがとても嬉しかったです! 和大家一起去商店和旅行,這些是我最珍貴的回憶。我很高興能夠在住處之外也結交到可以親密相處的朋友!
female 20's
I would say to any potential tenants that Borderless house is an amazing place if you enjoy experiencing other cultures and getting to know new people. I also would recommend to follow the rules set out and to always be respectful for other peoples belongings.
male 30's
It’s a good way of meeting people immediatly from Taïwan, and make friends if you travel alone or not ! 這是一個很好的方式,可以立即認識來自台灣的人,無論你是獨自旅行還是不是!
female 20's
I think it's great to have local roommates in a foreign country since they can help you get used to life in a new environment. For example, my Taiwanese roommate helped me when I was feeling anxious because of earthquakes. In my home country, we don't have earthquakes, so I was very shocked by them. My roommate helped me calm down and told me she would help me if we needed to escape the house. She also told me what to do in case of an earthquake.
female 20's
想要結交不同國籍的朋友與它們交流,就選擇Borderless House! If you want to make friends of different nationalities and exchange ideas with them, choose Borderless House!
female 20's
I would recommend co-existing in the common area to meet your housemates! At first I had difficulty figuring out the house culture, but I quickly found out that the other housemates I lived with were very kind and social. The ones from Taiwan helped show me around and teach me Chinese, and one of the others not from Taiwan quickly became someone I could explore with! 我會建議在共用區域與室友共處,這樣可以更容易地認識彼此!起初,我有些困惑如何適應屋子的文化,但很快我發現,我和一起住的室友都非常友善和喜歡社交。來自台灣的室友幫助我熟悉周邊環境,並教我中文,而另一位不是來自台灣的室友迅速成為我可以一起探索的夥伴!
male 20's
You get to meet so many amazing people from different backgrounds. I will never forget the friends I made here. 你會遇到來自不同背景的許多了不起的人。我永遠不會忘記在這裡交到的朋友。
male 20's
英語が上達した 我的英語進步了
female 20's
I could practice chinese with my roomates. 我可以和我的室友一起練習中文。
female 20's
it is nice to always have some friends around you. 身邊總有一些朋友在身邊是很好的。
female 20's
To potential tenants, I would highly recommend staying at a Borderless House for those who want a challenge. You do not have as much privacy; instead, there are ample opportunities to grow close with your roommate(s) and naturally advance your language skills. Having a shared space encourages you to get to know each other! I was incredibly nervous about coming to Taiwan, thinking I would not want to speak to anyone outside my classmates. Now, I can confidently say that when I return to Taiwan, I will reach out to my former housemates to hang out. 對潛在的租房者,我強烈推薦選擇Borderless House,特別是那些想要挑戰自己的人。你將不會擁有太多的隱私,但會有充足的機會與你的室友建立良好關係,並自然提升你的語言能力。共享空間鼓勵你們彼此更加了解!我原本對來台灣感到非常緊張,以為我不會和課堂以外的人交談。現在,我可以自信地說,當我回到台灣時,我會主動聯繫我的舊室友一起出去玩。
female 20's
I loved how everyone was very friendly. If we have a slight issue we just bring it up on the Borderless House group chat and it gets solved immediately. I personally loved having roommates, because I kept me from feeling lonely. I have learned to be more considerate of others, and also learned to ask others to do the same without feeling bad. 我喜歡每個人都非常友好。如果我們有一點問題,我們只需在Borderless House的群組聊天中提出,問題就會立即得到解決。我個人喜歡有室友,因為這讓我不會感到孤單。我學會更加考慮他人,也學會了在不讓自己感到難過的情況下要求別人也這樣做。
female 20's
저는 대만 워홀 오시는 분들이라면 무조건 무조건 무조건 보더리스 추천해요 .. 진짜 쉐어하우스에서 살면서 언어 엄청 늘었어요!!!!!!!! 만약 다른 사람들이랑 자는 게 불편하신 분들이라면~~~~ 일인실도 있으니까!!!! 진짜 꼭 ! 보더리스 !!!!! 사세요!!!! 11개월 꽉꽉 채워서 살다 갑니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ❤️❤️ 스태프들 최고 룸메들 최고 ♡ 물론 운이 안 좋으면 안 맞는 룸메 만날 수도 있지만 그런 말은 아직 못 들어봤네요 ㆅ 我強烈推薦給來台灣打工度假的人一定一定一定要選擇Borderless House!真的住在共享公寓裡讓我的語言水平有了巨大的提升!!!如果有人不喜歡和其他人一起睡覺的話~~~~ 也有單人房間喔!!!真的一定!選擇!Borderless!!!我11個月都住得滿滿的,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈❤️❤️ 工作人員最棒了,室友們也最棒♡ 當然,如果運氣不好可能會碰到不合適的室友,但我還沒聽過這樣的情況ㆅ
male 20's
如果你不排斥跟別人分享房間,那你一定會愛上這樣的共居空間!在公共空間的交流是最開心的~ If you're open to sharing a room with others, you'll definitely fall in love with this communal living space! The interactions in the common areas are the most enjoyable.
male 30's
享受與室友的時光。 Enjoying time with housemates.
male 20's
如果想認識非常多人,這邊是很好的選擇。 If you want to meet a lot of people, this is a great choice.
female 20's
No BH,No my life inTW 超讚的share house!
male 30's
I'd say the most important thing is to make an effort to get to know your housemates. Language barriers can be tough but if you spend enough time with people, you'll find a way to overcome that! 我認為最重要的是努力去了解你的室友。語言障礙可能會很困難,但如果你花足夠的時間與人相處,你會找到克服這個障礙的方法!
male 20's
Borderless House 是一個非常適合想和外國人有更多交流的人之選擇,在這裡,你可以透過與人互動來認識這個世界,你也可以和大家分享專屬於你的故事。 芝山House是屬於環境較安靜,但機能非常好的地點,推薦給需要一個安靜環境的你。 Borderless House is an excellent choice for those who want to have more interactions with people from different countries. Here, you can get to know the world through interacting with others, and you can also share your unique stories with everyone. Zhishan House is located in a quieter environment with excellent functionality, making it a recommended option for those who need a peaceful living space.
female 20's
female 20's
보더리스 하우스를 이용했던 시간 동안 정말 행복했습니다. 누군가 대만에 온다면 보더리스하우스를 무조건 추천하고 싶고 후회없는 선택일 거라고 생각합니다! 일부공용 설비는 오래 됐지만 책상,침대,옷장 등 개인 공간은 깔끔한 편이고 크게 불편한 점 없이 지냈습니다. 무엇보다 룸메이트들과 함께 하는 시간이 재밌었고 타 지역 보더리스 하우스와의 교류도 있어서 인맥을 넓힐 수 있었습니다! 처음 입주했을 때보다 중국어 듣기, 말하기가 많이 늘었고, 영미권 룸메이트들도 많아서 영어공부하는 분에게도 도움될 거라 생각합니다. Xinpu 하우스 근처에는 맛집이 많고 지하철,버스 정류장이 가깝게 있어서 여기저기 다니기 편리합니다. 첫 대만살이를 안정적으로 시작할 수 있게 해준 보더리스에 감사합니다. 여러분도 보더리스로 오세요♡
male 20's
Amazing experience, we meet a lot of people from everywhere and some local that can help you at first. 太棒了!我們遇到了來自各地的許多人,還有一些當地人可以在一開始幫助你。
female 20's
Chatting to my housemates about their respective countries and learning about how other countries operate was really interesting. Thank you to Borderless House for facilitating cross-cultural exchange through these sharehouses! 和室友聊他們各自國家的事情,了解其他國家的運作方式,真的很有趣。感謝Borderless House通過這些sharehouses促進跨文化交流!
male 20's
Learning about people’s backgrounds has broadened my perspective of the world and made we want to travel and have more experiences. 了解人們的背景擴展了我的世界觀,讓我想要旅行並獲得更多經歷。
male 20's
Don't stress. The staff of borderless house is very professional and nice, and the people in Taipei are very welcoming ! There is nothing to worry about when coming to a borderless house ! 不要擔心。borderless house的工作人員非常專業和友善,台北的人們也非常熱情!來borderless house時沒有什麼可擔心的!
female 20's
I was able to meet a lot of friends from other countries, and got more comfortable communicating in other languages. Many of my housemates do not speak English, so we communicate in Korean or Chinese, and it expanded my ability to make friends a lot!
The house was comfortable and my house mates were nice. Thank you 這間房子很舒適,我的室友們也很友善。謝謝你!